
A place of words and thoughts.

The longer I stand, Toolangi, Victoria

Reflecting – Nine

The longer I stand, the more I see. This small section of rainforest in Toolangi feels ancient and can be overwhelming to take in, I mean to really take in.  Many pass through within a few moments.  I find the more time I spend in […]

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Daydream, Murrindindi, Victoria

Reflecting – Eight

What does a photograph need? What is photography? And what’s it for? The more I consider what photography is all about, the more I realise it’s not about photography at all.  A photograph is simply a way to communicate an idea, feeling or perspective and

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Weathered Boat I, Werribee, Victoria

Reflecting – Seven

There’s an old boat on a beach I visit occasionally, it must have been there a while. The first time I photographed the boat, I captured it all.  A front view looking out to sea and a side view down the beach, but somehow I

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Mutawintji Hope

Reflecting – Six

The ‘Reflecting on 2018‘ series began as I pondered photographs I had made in 2018.  I wondered about their meaning and purpose, not just for myself but for what they represent in the bigger picture and the world we occupy.  As I’ve written before, if

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Reflecting – Five

When I saw this scene emerging through a cold and dense fog, I was a little overwhelmed.  Not because my fingers were freezing off, but in admiration of its form and strength. Now, a year later as I attempt to extract those feelings into a

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five minute morning, murchison, victoria, australia

Reflecting – Four

Many times I wonder if the early morning wake up will be worth the effort.  Then I’m reminded that a photograph is only part of the experience and satisfaction needs to come from within. As I approached these hills just before sunrise one morning, I

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Reeds in a dam, Victoria, Australia

Reflecting – Two

This photograph was captured a year ago.  When I visited the dam again recently the reeds had almost doubled in height.  Time is always present in the landscape.

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Murrumbidgee River

Reflecting – One

I’ve been reflecting on 2018, and this image was one of the first from last year. Over the next few weeks I’ll post more images from 2018 and some reflections on each one. This photograph was taken near the Murrumbidgee river in January 2018 about

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Daydream, Murrindindi, Victoria

Reflecting on 2018

2018 finds me asking…. Where to from here? I’ve noticed a shift in the way we interact, new expectations are forming, generational change seems to occur in an ever shortening timeframe. Countless images are now shared online, supported by ever growing communities. It’s a collective

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John Hardiman
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