The Waters Edge

For some reason water is just so mesmerising, like a light bulb to moth. It sustains life and is always changing. It takes colours, mixes them up and sprinkles them around. It turns things upside down.

Whatever it is, I can’t help waiting at the waters edge to see what happens next.

Dance of the Swallows

2019, Lake Burrumbeet, Victoria

Dance of the Swallows
The swallows would disappear in an instant, leaving the old trees bare before returning again from nowhere.

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Eliot Falls

2019, Cape York Queensland

Eliot Falls, Cape York
An incredible escape in the Cape!

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Twisted Lakes

2019, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, Tasmania

Twisted Lakes, Tasmania
Looking out over the Twisted Lakes with patches of winter snow on the distant ridge line. Please look after these rare and fragile places for future generations to enjoy!

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Choppy Waters

2019, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, Tasmania

Choppy Waters, Dove Lake
Choppy waters on Dove Lake with a scattering of snow on Cradle Mountain in the distance.

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Dancing Sky

2017, Cape Tribulation, Daintree, Queensland

Dancing Sky, Cape Tribulation
A dancing sky and sea unite at Cape Tribulation. I was a little on edge here as I captured a series of photographs in the early light. Cape Tribulation is home to some big crocks and I didn’t want to be breakfast!

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Leafless Harmony

2016, Lake Michigan, United States

Leafless Harmony
Clinging to a sand dune on the edge of Lake Michigan

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Orpheus Morning

2015, Orpheus Island, Queensland

Orpheus Morning
A quiet and secluded morning on Orpheus Island

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John Hardiman
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